Sofie Metropolis is the newest PI on the mean streets of Astoria, Queens. She's known for her trademark frappés and her itchy trigger finger.
Uncle Tolly was acting odd right before he disappeared. The proof? The brand-new Mercedes Tolly just bought—and the business' books, which show that Uncle Tolly was laundering more than just clothes. Which is where the mob comes in, in the darkly handsome figure of Tony DiPiazza. Tony's very taken with Sofie. Too bad she won't back off the money laundering and kidnapping—or is it murder?—investigation. Too bad she's too busy to notice the men in her life because she's being attacked by a malevolent dry-cleaning bag, bailing Aglaia out of jail, and spying on her own father. Sofie's quest for the truth gets her into hot water—and a pair of cement overshoes. Not her best look.