The men and women who were young adults in WWII have been called "The
Greatest Generation". Although they were ordinary people, they
accomplished extraordinary things. WW II: A Pilot's Experience
tells one such story, the story of an 18 year-old boy from rural
Louisiana who volunteered for service, like million of others who
responded at their country's time of need. His choice was the US Army
Air Force. His story provides an up-close and personal look at the
details and rigors of pilot training and preparation for combat.
Like so many of his generation, Lt. Burch was thrust into a position
of command and leadership at a tender age. The reader discovers the
challenge he experienced as pilot of a crew of 10 young men on a B-17 as
it flew into the heat of combat. Strong bonds form between the young men
in the face of such challenge.
The adjustments young people made at the time of war are great, yet
the book illustrates the remarkable ability of young people to adapt
at the time of their nation's need. This book illustrates the
adaptations of young civilians to military life, the excellent and
intensive training the young military personnel receive prior to combat,
and their adjustments to civilian life after military service. WW II:
A Pilot's Experience rekindles memories of those who served and is a
vivid personal account of WW II for others. Pictures of many aspects of
the lives of military airmen enhance the story.